December 10, 2020

“The Learning Time A+ program has increased our daughter’s vocabulary tremendously”, gushes a proud father from Qatar.

We had gone ahead and bought the Learning Time A+ program for our daughter around a year back. She was around 15 months old at the […]
December 10, 2020

“Go for it, its worth the investment”, an emphatic endorsement from a parent in Ghana

Our son is now around 20 months old. We had purchased the Learning Time A+ Program for him when he was around 4 months old. We […]
December 10, 2020

“15 minutes of time spent daily with the Learning Time A+ Program does the job beautifully”, narrates a proud parent from Ghana.

I have two children, 3 years and 1 year old. I bought the Learning Time A+ program in January 2019. I purchased the Learning Time program […]
December 10, 2020

“The Learning Time A+ program has helped our son know colors, numbers, alphabets, and stories, and stay a step ahead of other kids”, says a proud parent from Mumbai!

In the afternoon, I use the flashcards and while feeding him in the evening I use different combinations of books. In a month, he has evolved […]
December 10, 2020

“My two-year old son’s speech has improved dramatically”, says a proud mother from Ghana.

I have three children ages 5, 3 and 2 years. My husband and I purchased the Learning Time A+ program in April 2019. We bought the […]
December 10, 2020

‘Time for English’ is the best thing that has happened to his two-year old son; endorses a young couple from Kuwait

Customer Name: Maricar Ceneta Magpantay Child name:  Liz Aiden Country: Kuwait Consultant: Jose Sabas Jr. My daughter Liz Aiden who is just 2 years old, has learned a […]
December 10, 2020

“The Learning Time A+ program has helped improve the vocabulary of my daughters tremendously”, reveals a proud parent in Ghana.

I have two kids, 5 and 8 years old. We got the Learning Time A+ program for them in June 2018. While going through the presentation, […]
December 10, 2020

“My son is loving it”, says a doctor from Oman

I am Dr. Dhanya Sudheendran. I bought Learning Time A+ program for my 4 years old son Rayan in August 2019. My son’s favourite component is Lucy and Wiz. […]
December 10, 2020

We are very pleased and satisfied with the result of the Learning Time A+ Program on our son, Ahmad”, declare effusive Lebanese parents in Kuwait.

We are really very happy and satisfied with the influence the Learning Time A+ program on our sone Ahmad, who is now 2 years old. We […]
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