“The Learning Time A+ program has helped improve the vocabulary of my daughters tremendously”, reveals a proud parent in Ghana.
December 10, 2020
“My two-year old son’s speech has improved dramatically”, says a proud mother from Ghana.
December 10, 2020

‘Time for English’ is the best thing that has happened to his two-year old son; endorses a young couple from Kuwait

Customer Name: Maricar Ceneta Magpantay

Child name:  Liz Aiden

Country: Kuwait

Consultant: Jose Sabas Jr.

My daughter Liz Aiden who is just 2 years old, has learned a lot from Time For English Program of Learning Time.

A very big thanks to Learning Time A+ program for developing such wonderful early childhood learning products for kids.

The A+ program captures her attention, and creates interest in reading, listening, and watching. It has also developed her love for real books.

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