‘Her pronunciation has improved dramatically’, raves a doting parent from United Arab Emirates!
April 26, 2023
Introducing Abacus to Babies
April 29, 2023

‘An Investment you will not regret’, endorses a young mother from Ghana!

I have a two and half years old boy..

I bought the program in 2021 when my child was just nearly a year old!

I understood it will be of great help to my child.

The Time for English videos are great. My son is able to watch without us being around to guide or explain the story to him. He understands the stories on his own. So the videos have given him that education you wish that he gets and then usher him gradually into the books. And he loves the stories at the zoo , is understanding time, colors, and is learning the ABC.

Everyday I try to limit him so he can have a bit of playtime and also socialize. But he only wants the Time for English videos. Keeps watching them over and over again. Once he is out of bed, he is looking for Zoo Zoo..

He is not constructing sentences yet but he knows how to say ABC to Z. He recognizes and points out some animals when asked to.

Now we are on LT phonics with him.

I have shut my mind on other programs so I really can’t tell about the other stuff available. It’s just Learning Tme I want him to be with. That’s because truly most of the things in there I am also learning a lot, and honestly there’s a lot in the A+ Program. Amazing is all I can say for this amazing program.

Parents considering to have the Learning Time A+ Program; I would suggest it’s the best gift you could ever, ever give your child. An investment you will not regret!


Pognaa Salma Chaana Abdul-Razak; Accra, Ghana

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