May 26, 2023

‘An Investment you will not regret’, endorses a young mother from Ghana!

I have a two and half years old boy.. I bought the program in 2021 when my child was just nearly a year old! I understood […]
April 26, 2023

‘Her pronunciation has improved dramatically’, raves a doting parent from United Arab Emirates!

April 19, 2023

The Amazing Minds of Infants

Infants are truly amazing and fascinating! Despite their very limited experience and knowledge of the world, they are capable of amazing things, and can develop and […]
April 8, 2023
Nature vs Nurture in Early Learning

Nature vs Nurture in Early Learning

The debate of nature versus nurture has been a topic of interest for many years, especially in the context of child development. This debate focuses on […]
March 23, 2023

Developing Your Child’s Potential

Developing a baby’s potential is a crucial task for parents. The first few years of a child’s life are critical in shaping their physical, mental, and […]
March 1, 2023

Why Reading To Babies Is A Must

Reading is a fundamental skill that plays a crucial role in shaping a child’s intellectual, social, and emotional development. However, the process of cultivating a love […]
February 21, 2023

“The product is definitely worth the price”, endorse new parents in Malaysia.

  Muhammad Haziq Fiqree and Nur Syahira Binti Roslan pruchased the Learning Time A+ Program for their 2 months old baby, Laith Mikail at the Mid […]
February 21, 2023

‘My 3 and half years old grandson spends 40-45 minutes with the books everyday’, says a proud grandmother from Bengaluru, India.

  ‘My 3 and half years old grandson spends 40-45 minutes with the books everyday’, says a proud grandmother from Bengaluru, India.   ‘The Learning Time […]
February 11, 2023

11 Best Ways to Praise Your Child

Praising children is an important part of their development, as it helps to boost their self-esteem, build their confidence, and encourage positive behaviors. However, praise can […]
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