“The Learning Time A+ program has increased our daughter’s vocabulary tremendously”, gushes a proud father from Qatar.
December 10, 2020
“The A+ Program has helped reduce his time with gadgets and devices”, says a relieved parent from Qatar.
December 10, 2020

“My daughter has become a very good reader”, gushes a proud parent from Kuwait.

I purchased the Learning Time A+ program for my daughter Varsha, who is now 4 years old. Within six months of using the products, she has become a very good reader with perfect pronunciation, and is developing a very strong vocabulary without help from us parents. In fact, nowadays she is showing more keen interest in reading other books too, and her performance in school is improving by leaps and bounds!
Thanks to Learning Time for developing such a useful product for kids.

~Kannan Doraisami | Kuwait | Consultant: Furqanullah Khan

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