Question And Answer

All our offices and distributors offer periodic product utility workshops, where parents interact personally with trainers, and share and learn tips on the best utilization of the program. Contact your distributor for the next available slots.

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Yes, the Eltee Pen comes with a warranty of one year from the date of purchase, and is replaced at a no-questions-asked policy; unless damaged through misuse.

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The products are delivered to your home by the local distributor, at no extra addition to the mentioned product price.

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No, the program is mainly sold through the direct Marketing channel, and is available through our trained Educational Consultants only. You can leave your name and contact details on the website, and we will have our consultant contact you at the earliest.


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The Learning Time A+ Program is designed to help you start put the foundations stones into place, and develop a well-rounded, happy and successful individual. All the knowledge, abilities and values required for the wholesome development of the child are covered in the A+ program.


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Please leave your name and number on the website, and one of our Educational Consultants will get in touch with you within 48 hours to fix up a time for a personalized presentation

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The price is different for different modules, and is available in very easy monthly investment plans. Please contact your local distributor for offers and terms.

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It is similar to home schooling, but with more flexibility and has a fun learning approach.

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Its different from the way the child learns in school because this keeps up to the pace of learning and interest of the child, unlike the school where there is a fixed curriculum. It also triggers the instinct of how to think out of the box.

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The four segments can be bought individually too…though they compliment each other when used together, and are beautifully structured in a researched, organized and systematic way.

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Books stimulate the brain like nothing else does. Books engage imaginations, and reading increases attention span and concentration. These are the first steps in nurturing a thirst for knowledge.

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The benefits of this program are immense. It adapts to all learning styles which makes it very child-friendly. The different components and the books talking and singing to the child…it makes books interesting for kids.

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As is well known now, learning begins in the womb. So, ideally anytime between 0 to 4 years is the best time to start. This is the critical stage of development and patterns established at this time become the permanent foundation on which later functions are built.

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The program is about focusing on 3 key areas of mental development in children; Awareness, Ability and Attitude, through interactive learning tools. The Learning Time A+ Program focuses on instilling a love for reading in young children. This love for books and reading is the prerequisite in developing a lifelong enthusiasm for learning.

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