Learning Time A+ Program came into my daughter’s life before she had even learnt to speak. At first I thought it was too early to introduce this but little did I know that within a few days my daughter would learn how to grasp the Eltee Pen all by herself and use it to experiment in the various books. Soon she knew where to search for the poems and how to repeat words pronounced by the pen. Now a year later she has an extensive vocabulary and has learnt to form sentences fast. One of her favorite books is the Dictionary; the illustrations in the book allow her to explain to me what’s happening.
Now we understand that no child is too young to start with it. And the content/coverage of the program is so extensive that children will be able to use it even up to their teen years! I highly recommend this program since it inculcates learning before they start school, and allows for excellent parent-child time together and bonding!
Anishta Murad, Pakistan